Summary of February 2012 membership meeting

Post date: Mar 23, 2012 8:46:25 PM

Ramona Trails Association

Membership Meeting Summary

February 1, 2012

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by President, Christine Griffin and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. In attendance were members: Marty & Terry Jorgensen, Robin Joy Maxson, Christine & Lary Griffin, Ada Wildberger, Erna & Edie Adelson, Karen Carlson, Deb Schott, John & Arvie Degenfelder, Becky Cullen, Tammy Alsman and Donna Comford. New Members: Jil Streed and Jenny Hindmarsh. Guest: Trevor Murphy. 16 members, 1 guest.

Trevor Murphy was introduced by Karen Carlson. Trevor is working on his Eagle Scout project and made a presentation to us displaying (see photograph) a large colored cement trail map marker that he would like to create and install at the trailhead in the RTA Staging area. Color and tile insert options were discussed (member Bob Schulte could be contacted about tiles).

Presidents Report: The Bylaws revision has been signed and made part of our corporate records on the cloud. Anne York of, who produced the flyer for the 2011 Spurs, Spokes & Sneakers event, created a logo with six various color versions that was inspired by our various other logos’s, Ramona monument and masthead and donated them to us at no charge. This newer logo represents hiking, biking and horseback riding. We can’t thank Anne enough for this generous donation.A bulletin board for the Sea Train (value $25) was donated by Lary and Christine Griffin and has been put in the Sea Train. It needs to be mounted.

VP/Membership: We currently have 164 members with the 105 paid family memberships in 2012. The membership application is going to be revised to and space for more names and contact information. Terry Jorgensen mentioned that family members are covered by insurance at our events. There currently is no deadline for membership renewals and a friendly reminder will be sent to 2011 members.

RPRA (Ramona Parks & Rec Assoc.) Cheryl Wegner was not in attendance.

Director of Communication report: Ada Wildberger had no new news.

Web-Site: Karen Carlson - A meeting is scheduled with Margaret Hill to change the domain to the new web-site and Google for Non-Profits, photo albums will be set-up in the new site, Karen has a volunteer sign-up sheet she will add to the site. In the meantime people can access the new site using the link sent out via email and on the RTA Facebook page. The old site can still be seen on the internet but the links are not functional. Members can still access the “” site which is a member’s only site set up in 2010.

Director of Rides report: Terry Jorgensen was able to reserve the Cuyamaca Campground for our Labor Day trip this morning and thanks all those who simultaneously called or went online to be the first to get the site for RTA. Vallecito Days 6th Annual event – the camping is ½ booked, all sites with corrals are booked she continues to handle reservations, logistics, RTA schedule of events, etc. Member Clint Richard has discussed doing our first ever Orienteering event and RTA does own an GPS, they will be working on the feasibility in the near future. Terry is asking anyone interested in hosting and being Trail Boss for a ride this year to contact her and she will put out a schedule soon.

Director of Trails: Karen Carlson- Discussed the comment period for a no-fee permitted use of Cedar Creek Falls, Ramona Grasslands comment period ended 1/17/12, no results yet. Santa Ysabel East – gate to be widened in March, there will be an interpretive center by the Santa Ysabel PO.

Director of Special Events/Fundraising: Tammy Alsman discussed our online logo gear store through . Clothing, gear, mugs, etc. available with our various logos with a satisfaction guarantee. ACTHA – results for BCHC – San Diego, their event raised approximately $1950 last fall.

Director Community/Government Liaison– John Degenfelder announced that 2/22/12, County Supervisor Diane Jacob is having a Trail Committee meeting at 2pm at her office. She is coming to Ramon 2/23/12 at 8:30am at the Guy Woodward Museum. Old Rodeo Ground work party was a big success and more to be scheduled, he is getting a quote to purchase fencing to replace what was just removed and told Tammy that fundraising efforts would need to be done to cover those cost.

Old Business -

Becky Cullen mentioned that hitching posts/rails were being installed at Woof-n-Rose, Kohill and their winery – Catus Star, so horseback riding can be done from one to the next. Terry Jorgensen and Christine have been helping with this project. Karen Carlson is to get Becky the ‘dedicated easement’ forms for Highland Valley road the area of Handlebar Rd to the Grasslands Park.

California Trails Conference is April 19-21st in Woodland Hills, RTA funds conference cost and is looking for a volunteer (s) to attend.

New Business: Arvie D mentioned a sign for the Sea Train and RTA staging area that is to be paid for by the Sea Train insurance proceeds. John D to get quotes from Hal Snyder (signbuilder).

Erna Adelson explained the vote being taken at the US House of Representatives on Transportation Infrastructure Bill planning to reduce federal funding for pathways & trails.

Secretary and Treasurer's report or in meeing Minutes.

Next meeting March 7, 2012 at 7pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm

Meeting notes taken by Ada Wildberger, typed to Minutes and Summary by Christine Griffin 3/22/12